History of Guidance and Counseling Study Program

Surabaya State University

1964 - Established Guidance and Counseling study program of FIP Unesa (formerly IKIP Surabaya) at that time called Guidance and Counseling.

1968 - changed its name to Guidance and Counseling study program.

1984 - changed again to the Guidance and Counseling study program until now.

1964 to 1978 = producing baccalaureates in Guidance and Counseling.

1974 to 1978 = opened a program to produce undergraduates.

1986 = ended D3 program


               The long journey taken by the Guidance and Counseling study program cannot be separated from the development of the counseling profession in Indonesia. Starting in the 1960s, LPTK-LPTK established the Guidance and Counseling department. Furthermore, the approval of the 1975 curriculum was the government's recognition of the existence of the counseling profession. In the same year, driven by a strong desire to strengthen the counselor profession, in Malang a professional organization was formed called IPBI (Indonesian Guidance and Counseling Officers Association) which later in 2001 changed to ABKIN (Indonesian Guidance and Counseling Association). With the implementation of the 1994 curriculum, there began to be room for expert guidance and counseling services in the school system in Indonesia, because one of its provisions requires each school to provide 1 (one) counselor for every 150 students.

         Along with the enactment of various rules and regulations by the government, it encourages the need to develop and organize the Guidance and Counseling study program of FIP UNESA as a prospective counselor. Some of these rules and regulations include; 1) Law number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, 2) Government Regulation No. 19 on National Education Standards, 3) Law number 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, and 4) Structuring Professional Education for Counselors in the Formal Education Pathway prepared by ABKIN and authorized by the Director General of Higher Education in 2007. 5) Permendiknas No. 27 of 2008 concerning Standards for Academic Qualifications and Competencies of Counselors.


May it be more victorious and meaningful in social life