Curriculum development is a process carried out to respond to needs and overcome challenges that may arise in the future. Analysis of curriculum development is important to provide direction in curriculum design so that it is in line with community needs, applicable policies, and advances in science and technology. The development of the UNESA curriculum is guided by UNESA's vision, namely Based on the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 37 of 2022 concerning State Universities, Legal Entities, Surabaya State University, UNESA's vision is to become a "tough, adaptive and innovative educational university based on entrepreneurship". To make it easier to describe the aspects that are the basis for developing the UNESA curriculum, it can be seen in Figure 1.2.1 below.








Through aspects that serve as guidelines for curriculum development, UNESA accommodates learning needs that are in line with the demands and needs of a future-oriented global era. Apart from these five aspects, there are also foundations that form the foundation for developing the UNESA curriculum. These foundations include philosophical foundations, sociological foundations, juridical foundations, historical foundations, and psychological foundations. At the Faculty level, the curriculum is adjusted to the conditions and characteristics of the study program. Each study program has the authority to carry out curriculum development. 21st-century skills encompass a blend of knowledge, competencies, expertise, and literacy essential for success in both professional environments and everyday life.

Curriculum development at UNESA is a dynamic process and influenced by community needs as mentioned by the Guideline of UNESA Curriculum Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Factors of community needs are including 21-Century competencies, SDGs, Education 4.0, and Policy of Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM). MBKM is the program proposed by the Minister of Education and Culture aims to encourage students to master various fields of knowledge to prepare them for entering the workforce. This also aligns with Ministerial Regulation No. 3 of 2020, which grants students the right to study outside their program for 1 semester and engage in activities outside the university for 2 semesters. Study program must underlined that graduate profile focus on: (1) Learning and innovation skills, encompassing critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, effective communication, collaborative aptitude, creativity, and innovation; (2) Digital literacy skills, which include proficiency in information literacy, media literacy, and information and communication technology (ICT) literacy; (3) Life skills and career skills, encompassing adaptability, initiative, self-direction, social and cross-cultural competencies, productivity, accountability, leadership, and responsibility; and (4) 21st-century themes, covering global awareness, financial literacy, economic literacy, business literacy, entrepreneurial skills, civic literacy, health literacy, and environmental literacy.

Enhancing the acquisition of 21st-century student skills can be facilitated through an innovative educational framework, which encompasses: 1) setting standards and conducting assessments, 2) designing curriculum and teaching methods, 3) fostering professional development, and 4) creating conducive learning environments. To describe the development of UNESA curriculum and its factors that influenced.

Figure 1.2.2 21-Century Learning Framework


According to Government Regulation No. 37 of 2022 in Indonesia, UNESA is designated as a State University with legal status entrusted with the responsibility of producing educational professionals and experts across various domains. The curriculum development at UNESA must align with the university's vision and mission as a Legal Entity State University. UNESA's vision as a Legal Entity State University is to emerge as a resilient, adaptable, and innovative educational institution grounded in entrepreneurial principles. This vision should be integrated into the formulation of study program curricula at UNESA. Furthermore, Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2012 regarding the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), which is also stipulated in SN-DIKTI, imposes requirements for graduates to possess specific qualifications. The IQF delineates the competencies and skills expected of graduates at each educational level from level 1 to level 9. Consequently, each study program at UNESA must revise its curriculum in accordance with these qualifications. During the curriculum restructuring process, each study program is tasked with defining a graduate profile that aligns with the prescribed level of competencies/skills outlined in the IQF. This entails incorporating learning experiences that enable graduates to effectively meet the demands of the workforce.