No. | Kode MK | Nama Matakuliah | Nama Matakuliah (in English) | Kegiatan | Status | Semester ke | Prasyarat | ||
K | P | W | Pil | ||||||
1. |
| Pendidikan Pancasila | Principles Pancasila | 2 | - | √ | - | 2 | |
2. |
| Bahasa Indonesia | Indonesian Language | 2 | - | √ | - | 2 |
3. |
| Pendidikan Agama | Religion | 2 | - | √ | - | 1 |
4. |
| Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan | Civics | 2 | - | √ | - | 3 |
5. |
| Literasi Digital | Digital Literacy | 2 | - | √ | - | 1 |
6. |
| Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kebugaran | Physical and Fitness Education | 2 | - | √ | - | 2 |
7. | 8620102106 | Pendidikan Inklusi | Inclusive Education | 2 | - | √ | - | 2 |
8. | 8620102048 | Dasar-dasar Bimbingan dan Konseling | Fundamentals of Guidance and Counseling | 2 | - | √ | - | 1 |
9. | 8620102146 | Profesi Bimbingan dan Konseling | Guidance and Counseling Profession | 2 | - | √ | - | 1 |
10. | 8620103223 | Pendekatan Kelompok dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling | Group Approach in Guidance and Counseling | 3 | 1 | √ | - | 2 |
11. | 8620102030 | Bimbingan dan Konseling Perkembangan | Development Guidance and Counseling | 2 | - | √ | - | 2 |
12. | 8620102068 | Konseling Adiksi | Addiction Counseling | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 4 |
13. | 8620102069 | Konseling Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus | Counseling Children with Special Needs | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 3 |
14. | 8620102077 | Konseling Krisis | Crisis Counseling | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 3 |
15. | 8620102063 | Keterampilan Dasar Konseling | Basic Counseling Skills | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 1 |
16. | 8620103204 | Teori dan Praktik Konseling Psikodinamika | Theory and Practice of Psychodynamic Counseling | 3 | 1 | √ | - | 2 |
17. | 8620103209 | Teori dan Praktik Konseling Perilaku | Theory and Practice of Behavioral Counseling | 3 | 1 | √ | - | 3 |
18. | 8620103210 | Teori dan Praktik Konseling Kognitif-Perilaku | Theory and Practice of Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling | 3 | 1 | √ | - | 3 |
19. | 8620103211 | Teori dan Praktik Konseling Humanistik | Theory and Practice of Humanistic Counseling | 3 | 1 | √ | - | 3 |
20. | 8620103213 | Teori dan Praktik Konseling Post-modern | Theory and Practice of Post-modern Counseling | 3 | 1 | √ | - | 4 |
21. | 8620102213 | Teori dan Praktik Konseling Multibudaya | Theory and Practice of Multicultural Counseling | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 4 |
22. | 8620102091 | Manajemen Bimbingan dan Konseling | Guidance and Counseling Management | 2 | - | √ | - | 3 |
23. | 8620103202 | Asesmen Psikologis: Teknik Tes | Psychological Assessment with Testing Technique | 3 | 1 | √ | - | 2 |
24. | 8620103197 | Asesmen Psikologis: Teknik Non Tes | Psychological Assessment with Non- Testing Technique | 3 | 1 | √ | - | 1 |
25. | 8620102113 | Pengembangan Alat Ukur | Psychological Testing Development | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 4 |
26. | 8620102201 | Teknologi Informasi dan Media Bimbingan | Information Technology and Media Guidance | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 2 |
27. | 8620102170 | Studi Kasus | Case Study | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 4 |
28. | 8620102184 | Kewirausahaan | Enterpreneur-ship | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 4 |
29. | 8620103207 | Metode Penelitian | Research Methodology | 3 | 1 | √ | - | 4 | Statistik |
30. | 8620102196 | Statistik | Statistics | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 1 |
31. | 8620102199 | Ilmu Pendidikan | Science Education | 2 | - | √ | - | 1 |
32. |
| Psikologi Pendidikan | Educational Psychology | 2 | - | √ | - | 1 |
33. | 8620102205 | Kurikulum Sekolah | School Curriculum | 2 | - | √ | - | 1 |
34. | 8620102116 | Pengembangan Program Bimbingan dan Konseling | Development of Guidance and Counseling Programs | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 3 |
35. | 8620102206 | Pengembangan Materi Layanan | Service Material Development | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 4 |
36. | 8620102057 | Evaluasi dan Supervisi Bimbingan dan Konseling | Evaluation and Supervision of Guidance and Counseling | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 4 |
37. | 8620102188 | Mikro Bimbingan dan Konseling | Micro Guidance and Counseling | 2 | 1 | √ | - | 4 |
38. | 8620104187 | Pengalaman Lapangan Persekolahan (PLP) | School Based Experience | - | 20 | √ | - | 7 |
39. | 8620106162 | Skripsi | Thesis | - | 6 | √ | - | 8 |
40. | 8620103185 | Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) | Community Service | - | 20 | √ | - | 6 |
41. | 8620102215 | Problematik Anak dan Remaja | Child and Adolescent Problems | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
42. | 8620102216 | Psikoedukasi | Psychoeducation | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
43. | 8620102217 | Analisis dan Modifikasi Perilaku | Behavior Analysis and Modification | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
44. | 8620102218 | Resolusi Konflik | Conflict Resolution | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
45. | 8620102067 | Komunikasi Antar Pribadi | Interpersonal Communication | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
46. | 8620102219 | Perencanaan Karier | Career Planning | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
47. | 8620102220 | Pengembangan Kepribadian | Development of Personality | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
48. | 8620102226 | Andragogi & Hetaugogi | Andragogy & Hetaugogi | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
49. | 8620102053 | Dinamika Kelompok | Group dynamics | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
50. | 8620102227 | Perilaku Sosial Menyimpang | Deviant Social Behavior | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
51. |
| Bimbingan dan Konseling Anak Usia Dini | Early Childhood Guidance and Counseling | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
52. |
| Bimbingan dan Konseling Sekolah Dasar | Elementary School Guidance and Counseling | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
53. |
| Bimbingan dan Konseling Sekolah Menengah | Middle School Guidance and Counseling | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
54. |
| Bimbingan dan Konseling Perguruan Tinggi | College Guidance and Counseling | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
55. |
| Bimbingan dan Konseling Populasi Khusus | Special Population Guidance and Counseling | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
56. |
| Bimbingan dan Konseling Keluarga | Family Guidance and Counseling | 2 | - | - | √ | 5 |
Total SKS | 145 | 69 |
Keterangan :
K : Jumlah sks perkuliahan (total)
Pr : Jumlah sks praktik
W : Matakuliah wajib
P : Matakuliah pilihan
Nilaimatakuliah prasyarat minimal D
Jumlahmata kuliah Wajib : 125 sks
Jumlahmatakuliah pilihan yang tersedia : 32 sks
Mahasiswadinyatakan lulus apabila telah menempuh minimal 144 sks dengan komposisi
Jumlahmatakuliah wajib : 125 sks
Jumlahmatakuliah pilihan: 20 sks