The policy regarding the admission of new students has been officially established and regulated in the guidelines issued by the Rector under the Rector's Regulation of State University of Surabaya Number 8 of 2023 [Annex 2401]. This regulation is in line with the provisions outlined in the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia number 48 of 2022 [Annex 2402]. The Rector's guidelines and the Minister's Regulation serve as the main reference in the process of admitting new students to Diploma and Bachelor's Degree Programs in state universities. Both documents cover various aspects related to the criteria, procedures, and requirements for admission, ensuring that the selection process is conducted in accordance with the standards set by the authorities. These documents provide a strong and clear foundation for all parties involved in the new student admission process, creating a transparent and accountable framework.


The admission of new students at Surabaya State University (UNESA) has three different admission pathways: SNBP (National Selection Based on Achievement), SNBT (National Selection Based on Tests), and SPMB (Independent Student Admission Selection), with various sub-paths within SPMB. New student registration is performed online at: for national enrollment, while prospective international students are invited to apply for admission through the official website Here are further explanations of these three admission pathways:


1.  SNBP (National Selection Based on Achievement)

SNBP is a selection pathway based on the academic and non-academic achievements of prospective students. Prospective participants are required to create an account on SNPMB-BPPP to apply.


 Figure. Stages of SBNP


The registration procedure for admitting new students through this pathway can be completed via Some key points about SNBP include:

a.    Prospective participants are high school seniors (Grade 12) with outstanding achievements.

b.    Must have academic accomplishments and meet the requirements specified by each State University (PTN).

c.    Must have a National Student Identification Number (NISN) and be registered in the School and Student Database (PDSS).

d.    Must possess report card grades from the first up to the fifth semester that have been inputted into the PDSS

e.    For programs related to Arts and Sports, participants must include a portfolio.

f.     The portfolio is assessed based on the three best achievements.

g.    Prospective participants can choose up to 2 study programs at one university.

h.    If selecting two study programs, one of the choices must be in a university within the same province as the participant's school.

i.     Students from the Science (IPA), Social Sciences (IPS), and Language departments are free to choose a study program according to their preferences, unrestricted by the scientific disciplines studied in school.


2.  SNBT (National Selection Based on Tests):

SNBT is a test-based selection pathway for admission to public universities. Prospective participants also need to create an account on SNPMB-BPPP to apply.


Figure. Stages of SNBT


The registration process can be conducted through Some key points about SNBT include:

a.    Must have an SNPMB Account.

b.    High school (SMA/MA/SMK or equivalent) students must possess a Certificate of Enrollment for Grade 12 or participants in the Package C program with a maximum age of 25 years.

c.    High school graduates (SMA/MA/SMK or equivalent) must hold a diploma with a maximum age of 25. For high schools graduates from abroad, they must have an equivalency-certified diploma.

d.    Participants choosing programs in the fields of Arts and Sports are required to upload a portfolio.

e.    Participants with visual impairments must upload a Statement of Visual Impairment.

f.     Participants are allowed to take the Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) only once to apply for SNBT.


UTBK includes tests such as the Scholastic Potential Test (TPS), Literacy in Indonesian and English, and Mathematical Reasoning. The Scholastic Potential Test consists of questions assessing General Reasoning Ability, Knowledge, General Comprehension and Writing, and Quantitative Knowledge. Meanwhile, the Literacy Test (Tes Literasi) comprises Literacy in Indonesian and English, as well as Mathematical Reasoning. The detailed breakdown of the number of questions for UTBK SNBT materials and their respective subtests is as follows:

         General Reasoning Ability : Consists of inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, and quantitative reasoning, each with ten questions to be answered within a duration of 10 minutes.

o   Knowledge and General Comprehension : 20 questions with a duration of 15 minutes.

o   Reading Comprehension and Writing: 20 questions with a duration of 25 minutes.

o   Quantitative Knowledge: 15 questions with a duration of 20 minutes

       Literacy Test

o   Literacy in Indonesian: 30 questions with a duration of 45 minutes.

o   Literacy in English: 20 questions with a duration of 30 minutes.

o   Mathematical Reasoning: 20 questions with a duration of 30 minutes.


The Scholastic Potential Test assesses thinking and reasoning abilities, including various components such as inductive and deductive reasoning, comprehension, and quantitative skills. On the other hand, the Literacy Test gauges writing and reading abilities, as well as knowledge or skills in specific areas or activities, reflecting the participants' capability to process information and knowledge for practical life skills.


3.  SPMB (Independent Selection Pathway):

SPMB is a selection pathway organized independently by universities, including Unesa, for Bachelor's and Applied Bachelor's programs. The Selection of New Students (SPMB) at Surabaya State University (Unesa) has several groups of selection pathways. For further descriptions of SPMB selection process, here is Figure 2.4.1 that describes the whole process.


Figure. Stages of SPMB


SPMB are divided into nine pathways, here are the following descriptions for each path.

1.    Non-Test Pathway

        Non-Test SNBP/student learning report Pathway (National Selection Based on Achievement):

       This path is intended for graduates from the year 2023

       Participants must upload their report card, mathematics and English score, as well as any certificate of achievement.

       Participants can choose two study programs.

        Non-Test UTBK Pathway:

       Participants can choose up to two study programs.

       Participants must have a national UTBK score.

       Participants who choose Sports and Arts programs but do not have a portfolio score from SNPMB must upload a specified portfolio. The following majors require portfolio documents: Graphic Design, Visual Communication Design, Sports Science, Sports Coaching, Physical Education, Health, and Recreation, Sports Coaching Education, Performing Arts, Music and Fine Arts


2.    Achievement Pathway

        Religious Achievement Pathway:

       It consists of several sub-pathways, namely Pesantren, Tahfidz, and MTQ for Moslem participants, as well as Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, and Buddhism for other religions.

       Participants must have graduated from high school (SMA/MA/SMK/Paket C) or equivalent.

       Additional requirements vary based on the selected sub-pathway, such as a letter of confirmation as a santri from a Islamic boarding school or a certificate of Quranic memorization (Tahfidz), or a letter of recommendation from religious institutions for each respective religion.

       For the Tahfidz pathway, participants must have memorized a minimum of 10 Juz of the Quran.

       The selection process includes a written test covering Scholastic Potential, Indonesian and English Literacy, and Mathematical Reasoning, as well as an interview regarding religious proficiency according to each participant's achievements.


        Sports Achievement Pathway:

       Participants must have achievements in sports at the district/city, provincial, national, or international level, proven by a portfolio and certificates of awards.

       Participants must have graduated from high school (SMA/MA/SMK/equivalent) in 2021, 2022, or 2023 and have certificates of sports championships.

       The selection process includes a written test covering Scholastic Potential, Indonesian and English Literacy, and Mathematical Reasoning, as well as an interview and practical assessment based on the participant's achievements.


        Arts Achievement Pathway:

       Participants must have achievements and experience in the field of arts at the district/city, provincial, national, or international level, relevant to their chosen study program. Additional requirements include certificates of achievements in the field of arts.

       The selection process includes a written test covering Scholastic Potential, Indonesian and English Literacy, and Mathematical Reasoning, as well as an interview and practical assessment based on the participant's achievements.


        Leadership Achievement Pathway:

       Participants must have experience in school organizations during their high school years, particularly in student councils (OSIS).

       Additional requirements include a decision letter or certificates as members of the core OSIS team (chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and their deputies) issued by the school principal.

       The selection process includes a written test covering Scholastic Potential, Indonesian and English Literacy, and Mathematical Reasoning, as well as an interview focusing on organizational skills and leadership.


        Academic Achievement Pathway

       Participants must have achievements and experience in the field of academics at the district/city, provincial, national, or international level.

       Additional requirements include certificates of achievements in the field of academics.

    The selection process includes a written test covering Scholastic Potential, Indonesian and English Literacy, and Mathematical Reasoning, as well as an interview focusing on organizational skills and leadership.


    TMUBK Pathway (Computer-Based Unesa Admission Test)

This pathway involves computer-based tests covering the Scholastic Potential Test (TPS), Literacy, and Mathematical Reasoning.

A portfolio is required specifically for Sports and Arts programs, with specified portfolio types. The following majors require portfolio documents: Graphic Design, Visual Communication Design, Sports Science, Sports Coaching, Physical Education, Health, and Recreation, Sports Coaching Education, Performing Arts, Music, and Fine Arts.


    Disabilities Pathway

This pathway is intended for prospective students with good academic abilities but physical disabilities or limitations. Evaluation involves Computer-Based Written Tests (TPS, Literacy, and Mathematical Reasoning) and a specialization interview. Requirements include uploading a disability certificate. Unesa also provides support for students with disabilities participating in UTBK. The Disability Directorate offers assistance in the form of volunteer companions and tools that facilitate students in taking exams based on their disabilities.


  Affirmation Pathway

The Affirmation Pathway is a selection path conducted based on recommendations from the ministry to accommodate students in 3T areas. Affirmation path selection is adjusted to the policies of the ministry.


    Collaboration Pathway

The Collaboration Pathway is a selection path conducted independently by Unesa, based on the collaboration process between Unesa and its partners. Selection is carried out according to the agreement between Unesa and the partner as outlined in the memorandum of understanding.


     Foreign Pathway

The Foreign Pathway is a selection path conducted independently by Unesa, specifically for foreign students or Indonesian students who want to participate in international classes. Selection is done through computer- based written tests and other tests as needed.


    Transfer Degree Pathway

The Transition Pathway is a selection path conducted independently by Unesa, specifically for diploma students who want to switch to the undergraduate level. Selection is done through computer-based written tests.


Each selection pathway group has specific requirements that must be met by prospective students. Prospective students can choose a pathway that aligns with their background and achievements to improve their chances of admission to Unesa. Participants who are unsuccessful in the new student admission process have the option to reapply on the website without the need for re-registration. Those planning to undergo re-selection can acquire the necessary form based on their chosen pathway.


Admission For International Students

Prospective   international   students   are   invited   to   apply   for   admission    through    the    official website The guidelines regarding the process of admitting international students can also be found in guidance for International Student [Annex 2403]. Details about online registration for international students are available in the online application tutorial [Annex 2404]. To complete the application process, applicants must submit a set of required documents. These include previous academic certificates, academic transcripts, a scanned copy of the passport, a health certificate, a financial guarantee statement, a colored passport-size photo, and, for those applying to Master's and Doctoral programs, a letter of recommendation. Additionally, applicants are required to provide an English Proficiency Certificate. This comprehensive set of documents ensures that the university has a thorough understanding of the applicant's academic background, health status, financial capability, and proficiency in English. The application process is a crucial step for international students seeking to pursue their education at the university, and the submission of these documents plays a key role in determining eligibility for admission.


Counseling for Prospective Students

Prospective students are encouraged to seek guidance and information from the Admission Unit at Unesa during regular business hours from Monday to Friday, operating between 09:00 AM and 04:00 PM WIB. This assistance is available through the provided call center at +6282195787994, +628219577995,

+6282139809950, or via the website at Through various communication channels such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and others, student candidates can inquire about a range of topics, including details about the diverse study programs offered at Universitas Negeri Surabaya, aligning personal talents with specific study programs, and exploring potential career paths for graduates from each program. For disabled students, counseling can be conducted through On that website, disabled students can also independently assess their anxiety levels by filling out the provided form. This counseling service aims to provide comprehensive information and support to prospective students as they navigate their educational journey at the State University of Surabaya.


Participants who did not pass and are dissatisfied with the results received are given the opportunity to file an objection by attaching credible evidence. The objection process is processed for five days through the website. The steps for filing an objection are as follows:


        Participants open the website and log in to the new student admission system.

        Click on "Objection to PMB Results" in the "Prospective Student Data" menu.

        Then click on "Objection."

        Fill in the objection and upload supporting evidence files.

        The results of the objection can be viewed until the end of the objection period.


English Proficiency

The mandatory English Proficiency Test (TEP) has a score requirement of 425 for non-English students and 525 for those proficient in English. This test, administered by the Language Center, is an essential graduation prerequisite at the undergraduate level and can be initiated upon acceptance as a new student at the State University of Surabaya. Pusat Bahasa (PUSBA) at Universitas Negeri Surabaya organizes the test. To enhance students' English language skills, course instructors incorporate English literature and references, and students also establish English language communities at the departmental level. Additionally, the Language Center facilitates English support through the Unesa system (SIM TEP).


Student Enrollment Ratio

The Student Enrollment Ratio in the Faculty of Education at the University of Surabaya refers to the proportion of students enrolled in each study program within the faculty. This ratio serves as a crucial metric, reflecting the level of interest and commitment among individuals pursuing careers in education. A higher enrollment ratio suggests a growing demand for qualified educators and underscores the importance on quality education.

 Undergraduate Program of Guidance and Counseling (UPGC)

Undergraduate Program in Guidance and Counseling Total Applicants

Table Undergraduate Program in Guidance and Counseling Total Applicants



Number of Applicants

Number of Admitted Students

Number of Enrollment

Admission Rate

Enrollment Percentage








7% (1:13)

7% (1:13)








9% (1:11)

9% (1:11)








15% (1:6)

15% (1:6)










